Work Tags

A new feature of HLMSW coming in the next release tackles the problem surrounding the extended use of HLMSW to manage much more than just hire/rental material.

With HLMSW version or later you now have the ability to quickly tag and search your works according to 4 special categories:

  1.  Hire/Rent
  2.  Sale
  3.  Print on Demand (POD)
  4.  Digital

Every title in HLMSW can now have any or all of these flags set according to the content.

It is also possible to easily show or hide the different types in any Work Browse using the buttons provided.  You can change your browses so that only particular types are displayed first (using the new WTYPE field), but you can always override this while you are searching.

If you do override this in the search and no records are found, you will have the option to search for ALL records using the Ignore button:

The tag values can only be edited by administrators and users with the permission Edit Defaults from the same company that owns the title.

When the updated is installed, all records will be initially marked Hire/Rent.

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