Quotes by Email

The current release of Zinfonia provides publishers with the ability to request Zinfonia to send an email quotation confirmation whenever a new quote is created in the system.  The email that is sent includes the complete order information along with the distributor terms and conditions and the fees due.  The email includes links that can take users directly to the quote, or to their orders.

To activate this feature, you must go to the Settings section of the Publisher maintenance section and select the option Send Email Quotes.  You can also optionally request a CC copy of the quote (which is sent to the primary publisher order email).



Zinfonia customers have the ability to mange how Zinfonia communicates with them via the Options section in My Accounts section accessible here:  https://www.zinfonia.com/zMyAccount.aspx


This build includes a number of other changes to help users to navigate their orders and to get the most out of the Zinfonia system including some improvements to the visibility of quotes and their options.

On the quotes pages


On the My Orders page:


(only visible when there are unread quotes)



(only displayed if the user has not elected to receive daily notifications, and is not a Zinfonia Export user)

So when you combine the ability to request direct Credit Card payments (via STRIPE or PayPal) along with better auditing of the status and agreement of terms and conditions (with the ability to see if quotes have been viewed by the recipient), the Zinfonia quotes facility is very powerful indeed.

If you need help setting up quotes for your Zinfonia presence, please let us know.

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