Category Archives: Update

Auto-Process HLMSW Messages

With HLMSW v8.02 Build 0.18 we introduce a regularly requested feature to automatically marked as processed transactions in the HLMSW queue which have been answered in In©. Zinfonia/In© Messaging is Efficient The Zinfonia/In© messaging facility is the best way to … Continue reading

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Important HLMSW Update

Recently we have discovered an indexing problem in HLMSW which significantly degrades performance, and we have released a new build of HLMSW ( which tackles and resolves this issue. All users should see an immediate benefit from the update especially … Continue reading

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HLMSW Invoice Due Date

In HLMSW, the Invoice Due date field is populated by a set of rules that can use EITHER the same day, week or month before or after the Date Sent, First Performance Date or Last Performance Date (the rules for … Continue reading

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External Programs Editor

In HLMSW Build we have provided a new option to allow you to run external programs directly from HLMSW. The new Tools option is displayed on the very right side of the button bar. Note: if this is not … Continue reading

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EORI Assistance

HLMSW Build 8.01 resolves a problem that has been plaguing all companies exporting packages into the European Union (especially post-Brexit). To avoid delays in customs clearance, exporters must include an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI) with their shipments. … Continue reading

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HLMSW Build 8.00 (Build 9.00)

The changes in the EU membership has created a number of challenges for our UK users, particularly with the movement of materials between the UK and the EU. While we are working with those affected directly on solutions related to … Continue reading

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Important Stripe Update

For those of you that are using STRIPE via Zinfonia or HLMSW to collect fees, some major changes to the rules for managing credit card transactions in Europe have required some major changes to Zinfonia. Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is … Continue reading

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HLMSW Version 8.00 (Build 8.14)

An update in coming which has features that will help larger HLMSW installations manage their users and connected software along with a bunch of new features and bug fixes. Managing HLMSW Users If you ever have to log into HLMSW … Continue reading

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Making UICs FLY!

The changeover to the UIC has many advantages for HLMSW users and their customers but there is a compromise in speed. The old HLMSW system for managing stock was very efficient because the entire stock record was saved in a single slot … Continue reading

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Important HLMSW v8 Update

A new and important update to HLMSW (Build  has been release today. This version addresses some issues related to email creation and sending particularly with extended characters and some email attachments being ignored by some mail servers (particularly Outlook/Exchange). … Continue reading

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