Managing the international distribution rules for your catalogues on Zinfonia presents a real challenge due to the intricate and ever-changing nature of copyright assignments on a global scale.

The Connect in Copyright (CinC) system was created to provide a centralised and efficient way to keep control of all of your global distribution needs. Read this post for a little more about the idea behind this service
What is an Authority?
Distribution rules are set by country and point to an existing In© Authority which is simply a list of distributors maintained by the Zinfonia team. Every In© Authority is identified by a 6-character Zinfonia-assigned CinC code which always has the the country code as the first 2 letters. Single companies can have multiple Authorities (eg USWISE, GBWISE, DEWISE, DKWISE, AUWISE) but every different distributor must have its own CinC code. All Authority data including their address and contact details can be maintained by the Authority themselves ensuring better accuracy of this information. If you need a new Authority, just let us know the details and we will set this up for you.
How do I manage my CinC rules?
In© users with Administrator or Publisher Maintenance/CinC permissions can view their global rules via the Connect in Copyright section of the Publisher Menu option. By default the list displayed will only show YOUR CinCs, but you have read-only access to ALL CinC rules by toggling the Show only my CinCs switch. A CinC global rule is assigned a unique id which includes the authority id after the @ character, eg: 2EFN9X4EE@AUZINF. All Authorities have a special rule which has the Authority CinC as the ID eg: AUZINF@AUZINF which is used if for any reason a request is made for a global rule which is no longer available.
When you visit this page, you can use the options at the top of the screen to filter long lists of rules, and as soon as you click on any item, the rules are displayed by country in four geographic areas: Europe, The Americas, Asia/Oceania and Africa. On desktops you can hover over a country to find it’s full name.
You will also have some or all of these options:

- View: will display ALL titles with that rules in the Zinfonia Catalogue
- Export: provides you with a CSV export of the values
- New: will create a new CinC entry
- Edit: will edit an existing entry
- Replace: provides a quick an convenient way to replace one distributor in one country
- Copy: which will create a NEW CinC entry which is an exact copyh of an existing rule
Editing a CinC
When you have clicked on the Edit, New or Copy buttons you are presented with a list of ALL Countries which may or may not have Authorities assigned.
To change the authority:
- First make sure the name and permissions and Active status are correct.
- Select the country or countries so that it turns green.
You can also use the Quick buttons like the EU button in Europe to select specific groups of countries. You can also select all countries by the authority name by selecting it from the list and press the BLUE select all button.
(the red button will clear all selections, and the YELLOW eye to the left of the Authority will give you more information about the Authority).
TIP: if you are working with a complicated set of countries, you can select the countries and use the burnt orange button to copy the codes into the clipboard and use the purple PASTE button on the right of the screen to select these countries again and again. - Once you have selected the countries, locate the authority you want to assign from the drop down list and press the green UPDATE button or press the red CLEAR button to remove any Authority from the selected countries.
- When you are happy with the changes, click on the purple CHECK button at the bottom of the screen to see if these rules have already been defined, and then the SAVE button. Any changes will be immediately reflected in In© and Zinfonia.
How to fix a wrong distributor
The first step is to locate the CinC code rules that need to be fixed. There are a few ways you can accomplish this.
- If you know the CinC rule name or the CinC Authority ID, enter it in the SEARCH TEXT box at the top of the Connect in Copyright screen
- If you do not know the code, locate any piece which you know uses this rule in the Zinfonia Catalog section, and display the information screen, click on the distribution rules section and then the Eye button to view the rule.

Once the correct record is displayed you can edit an discussed previously
How to change the CinC rule for a publisher.
- Locate the Publisher you want to Edit the Publisher section
- Click on the EDIT icon in the top right corner
- Make changes in the Connect in Copyright section to select a different CinC rule for both small right and grand right usage.

Using your CinC Data in Other Applications
A read-only version of the CinC data is available from a public repository located here:
This repository is updated with any changes daily.
Need Help?
Feel free to request help or guidance with any aspect of the CinC at